Onion Sets - Shallots - Garlic

view Autumn Champion Onion Sets details
Autumn Champion is an early harvesting variety with dark yellow skin and a mild flavour. It stores well. 
Autumn Champion Onion Sets Autumn Champion Onion Sets Autumn Champion Onion Sets Autumn Champion is an early harvesting variety with dark yellow skin and a mild flavour It stores well £2.25 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
view Electric Onion Sets details
Electric is a red overwintering onion set with excellent flavour. Produces a symmetrical, semi globe shaped bulb. 
Electric Onion Sets Electric Onion Sets Electric Onion Sets Electric is a red overwintering onion set with excellent flavour Produces a symmetrical semi globe shaped bulb £2.25 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
view Radar Onion Sets details
Radar is an improved Japanese variety that is resistant to bolting. It has a mild flavour and stores well. 
Radar Onion Sets Radar Onion Sets Radar Onion Sets Radar is an improved Japanese variety that is resistant to bolting It has a mild flavour and stores well £2.25 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
view Senshyu Yellow Onion Sets details
Senshyu Yellow is a Japanese variety that stands well througfh cold winters. It is globe shaped and of good quality with a mild flavour. 
Senshyu Yellow Onion Sets Senshyu Yellow Onion Sets Senshyu Yellow Onion Sets Senshyu Yellow is a Japanese variety that stands well througfh cold winters It is globe shaped and of good quality with a mild flavour £2.25 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
view Jermor Shallots details
Jemor shallots are a long French type with copper coloured skin, rosy flesh and a superb sweet flavour. Produces a high yield and stores well. 
Jermor Shallots Jermor Shallots Jermor Shallots Jemor shallots are a long French type with copper coloured skin rosy flesh and a superb sweet flavour Produces a high yield and stores well £3.50 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
view Elephant Garlic details
Elephant garlic produces very large sized bulbs from one large clove. The flavour is mild and good for roasting or using raw. 
Elephant Garlic Elephant Garlic Elephant Garlic Elephant garlic produces very large sized bulbs from one large clove The flavour is mild and good for roasting or using raw £3.99 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
view Garcua Garlic details
  • Despatched January onwards
Strong flavoured garlic that can be used fresh or can be stored for up to a year. Softneck variety. 
Garcua Garlic Garcua Garlic Garuca Strong flavour use fresh or csan be stored for up to a year Softneck variety Despatched January onwards £3.99 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
view Topadrome Garlic details
Topadrome is a softneck French garlic variety with white skin and white cloves. A great variety for early harvesting. 
Topadrome Garlic Topadrome Garlic Topadrome Garlic Topadrome is a softneck French garlic variety with white skin and white cloves A great variety for early harvesting £3.99 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
view Onion Net details
A 12kg sized orange net for storing onions or other root vegetables. 60cm x 40cm. Draw string top. 
Onion Net Onion Net Onion Net A 12kg sized ornage net for storing onions or other root vegatbles 60cm x 40cm Draw string top £0.50 Available from: Dundry Nurseries New
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